Although peridot only became the official August birthstone in 1912, it is one of the oldest gemstones in the world; records show evidence of it being mined as far back as 1500 B.C with ancient civilisations utilising it as a talisman due to its ability to ward off negativity. It was even theorised that the stone had healing properties for asthma sufferers, and was placed under the tongue of those with fever (we wouldn't recommend doing this with your prized high jewellery possessions, though). In current times, peridot is said to grant its wearers strength, vitality and calm, and is linked to the heart chakra.

Peridot is a resilient gemstone originating from deep in the Earth's mantle, rising to the surface through volcanic activity. Some peridots even originate from earth-fallen meteors, making it one of the only gemstones scientists are certain exists outside of our solar system. The peridot's glorious green hue can often appear yellowish or with a golden tint, a factor that lead Egypt - the peridot is the country's national gem - to dub it "The Gem of the Sun." Historians are convinced that the emeralds Cleopatra was famous for wearing were, in fact, peridots. If it's good enough for Cleopatra...
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