And just like that it’s one of my favourite times of year again: the Holy Month. Year after year, as I surround myself with friends and family in one of the greatest and most cosmopolitan cities in the world, I am reminded that whether or not you’re a practicing Muslim there is so much to be learnt and borrowed from this wonderous month. With each evening that I am lucky enough to spend with loved ones, whether originally hailing from the Middle East, Europe or further afield, we’re each faced with the same notions: slowing down, taking stock, giving thanks and focusing on the moment and those within it.

With that in mind, this issue homes in on a few topics that, although potentially uncomfortable to discuss, are becoming increasingly poignant during a time of so much turmoil. In Man Down, regional and international experts weigh in on how best to converse with the males in your life about the value of mental health and why dialogue is now more important than ever. Test Of Time serves as a reminder about your not-to-be-missed cervical screenings and questions why the region is falling behind when it comes to that all-important element of female health. And for writer, lecturer and world champion precision shooter Christina Bengtsson, remaining focused on the task at hand is the best way to declutter the mind; find out when exactly to offer time to unproductive anxieties and when exactly to shelf them in Stay In Your Lane.

And of course, considering that it is a month where putting your best foot forward is often the name of the game, let’s not forget style. April’s edit shines a light on the all-at-once serene and rich Ramadan drops hitting our shores from the likes of Dior and Balenciaga to Dubai sweetheart Maha Abdul Rasheed of Bambah. Paradoxically, for anyone utilising the weeks ahead as a time to cleanse more than just body and mind, So Fresh And So Clean flies the flag for the most minimal of style affairs... Should you dare.
Editor's Highlights
While the region has been stepping up its style game year after year, this Holy Month is particularly abundant when it comes to unique capsule collections and made-for-the-region Ramadan specials. I've set sights on Prada's drop, bursting with sequins and luxe loungewear.

Dior's Ramadan collection Dior Or is like wishing on a star. Awash with majestic hues and incandescence, it's a triumph for the region.

Editor's Picks
Time to slow it down, change the pace and take stock of the finer things in life. This month my calendar is bursting at the seams with nothing but me time and family moments. But when the occasion calls – certain iftars and suhoors aren't to be missed! – I'm looking towards a soft colour palette and touches of sparkle.