January is the depth of winter - a quiet time when the consciousness of the earth turns inward. Plants retreat into the ground and certain animals hibernate. On the surface, it would seem that during this time of dormancy, nothing is happening. Everything is still. However if we examine the great cycle of nature, we know this simply isn’t true. Every cause has an effect and every effect in turn becomes its own cause for the next effect, and so on.
Understanding this, we can see that winter is indeed a very causative force within the earth. It may appear still, but it is far from dormant. Winter is the time when earth pulls together all its mineral, biological and chemical resources far below the surface we perceive as 'dead', preparing for its rebirth. Even animals in their months-long slumber are rejuvenating their bodies at an astonishing pace. Movement and change are everywhere - we just can’t see it.

As spiritual beings, we are also a part of the great cycle. There are many times in our lives where we find ourselves in the midst of a personal winter. Our lives can feel shut down, inert, stagnate or deadened by financial troubles or relationship problems, but especially illness. We look at the surface of our lives and finding no visible change, assume nothing is happening. Winter shows us that we should never judge a book by its cover, especially when it comes to our own bodies.
The message of winter is to become quiet. Keep your attention focused inward and stay mindful of the enormous amount of healing activity and reorganisation that’s happening just beyond the level you can see. Become aware of the dynamic landscape that your body truly is in spite of appearances. You certainly shouldn't believe everything you see. If you did, you might assume the sun recedes into the earth every night at sunset. If you’re going to believe in something, believe in the amazing unseen healing forces of your body.
Just because we can’t see something, there is absolutely no proof that nothing is happening. In fact, we almost never know what’s happening until it’s already happened. Considering this, which is more important? The rose bud that blooms into a beautiful flower or the rain, mineralised soil, pollinating insects, and sunlight that pulled their resources together to make the bloom possible? The dynamic power of winter is beautifully conveyed in this quote by the great essayist, Robert Bitzer.

"Perhaps this means that winter would be more important than spring. It is in the dormancy of winter that impending life is pulled together, organised and focused. Spring tells you that your desire has already happened. Spring is the acknowledgment in nature that the silent work of winter was effective. So your demonstration is the acknowledgment in the outer world that your silent creation was real. Spring comes because of what took place in winter."
Whatever part of your life needs healing, be still, focus on the work at hand, and don’t be deceived by appearances. Things are happening beneath the surface and spring is coming.